Indian History 1900-2000 AD

Indian History 1900-2000 AD

The period of 1900 to 2000 AD in Indian history is marked by significant events and changes, including:

The Indian National Movement: This period saw the rise of the Indian National Congress and other political organizations that sought independence from British rule.

The Non-Cooperation Movement: In 1920, Gandhi led the Non-Cooperation Movement, which was a significant moment in the Indian independence struggle.

The Salt March: In 1930, Gandhi led the Salt March, a nonviolent protest against the British salt tax, which became a turning point in the independence movement.

World War II: India was a major theater of operations during World War II, with Indian soldiers serving in both the British and Indian armies.

Partition of India: In 1947, the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two independent states, India and Pakistan.

The Indian Constitution: The Constitution of India was enacted in 1950, providing the framework for the country's democratic government.

The Green Revolution: In the 1960s, the Green Revolution modernized Indian agriculture, increasing food production and reducing poverty.

India-Pakistan Wars: India and Pakistan have fought several wars, including the 1965 India-Pakistan War and the 1971 India-Pakistan War, which led to the creation of Bangladesh.

Economic Reforms: In the 1990s, India embarked on economic reforms that liberalized the economy and attracted foreign investment.

Rise of Hindu Nationalism: The rise of Hindu nationalism, has been a significant development in Indian politics in recent decades.
